
21st January, 2009

Where have you guys gone?

I can’t review maps unless they’re submitted.  This site will die without maps to review and I have been given the OK to be hosted by Beyond Unreal.

I’ve got involved with Unreal evolution.  This project is trying to achieve something similar to Unreal Source.  We are re-doing Unreal in UT3 clothes.  It’s started but can always do with some help. Your first port of call if you’re interested is this thread.

All welcome.


Unreal in UT3 Clothes

9th January, 2009

This could become a reality.  Think of it as Unreal Source, only better.  If you’re interested in helping with this then please head on over to this thread posted at the Beyond Unreal forums.  All skill sets required level designers, coders, texture artists, modellers, musicians etc.  Even if you have no skills, ideas are always welcome as is feedback.

Quite a few people are already coming up with ideas on this.  It’s a big project but it will be worth it to see Unreal in UT3’s excellent engine.