In the mists of time.

8th September, 2008

(originally posted at my old blog)

I’m toying with the idea of starting UT Unlimited again and expanding it beyond the confines of this blog. The trouble is I have no coding knowledge. I’d also need help with the reviews and general running of the site. If I can find some free web space I’ll try and run something for a while to see how things pan out. If anyone is interested in helping me get this off the ground please get in touch. Either use the comment or the email link at the bottom of this post. The reviews would be of all UT types and perhaps GoW.

Some sad news, another UT mod team have decided not to develop for UT3. The classic Chaos UT mod is looking at other engines unless a talented coder can convince them to change their minds. If you haven’t already you should download it for either 2k4 or original UT.

Ever fancied going back in time? Remember this, this or this or how about this one. I even found these I wrote for UT99. Search using the Wayback machine and remind yourself how good the community was. It can be like that again with a bit of collective energy.

The map’s comming on as well btw ;).
