UT Sever Probs .. again

19th September, 2008

Apparently it seems that UT servers are being shot down again.   Visit this thread over at the official forums for more info.

The Quatro08’s really coming on and the end is in site.  Hopefully more screens over the next few days.

I’m also trying to come up with an interesting competition to open the new site with.  Won’t say anything now for obvious reasons.

Not much else has happened since yesterday.

Non-UT related link of the day is this trippy puzzle.

Till then

UT Servers Under Attack ?!

13th September, 2008

According to this thread over at Beyond Unreal forums, there’s some guy who has found security exploits in UT2k4 and UT3’s net code.  He/She can shut down servers seemingly at will.  This guy is well known for finding exploits and then telling everyone about them.  Everyone apart from the game developers.  This one seems to be a big one though. People are reporting servers crashing all over the master server list.  This guy’s ip address is on everyone of them, simultaneously.

Has anyone heard anything about that or can verify it in anyway?

How do you like the new look?  I’d appreciate any opinions on it.  I want to start posting a little earlier to allow more time with the map.   I know that one of my old maps, CTF-Cyber, is missing from the maps page.  I’ll fix that soon.

Thanks to Cosmix for posting a comment and giving encouragement. That makes it worth while. Thanks

Till then