New Blog Site Soon

12th September, 2008

(originally posted at my old blog)

As I stated yesterday I’ll be moving this blog to WordPress. I’ve spent all evening configuring the look and widgets. Also I’ve finally managed to add Digg to it. It didn’t work properly here. I’ve searched but any help I’ve found didn’t work for me. This was one of the other reasons I wanted to change. Anyway, soon I’ll switch over, most likely this weekend if all goes well.

Not done anything to the map due to the above but the weekend looms so I’ll have a bit more time to spend on that.

Hourence has posted the results of his level designer’s survey. It makes for very interesting reading.

Sorry for the short post. The new blog will make up for it.

Till tomorrow.
btw you can leave comments, I won’t bite 😉

One Small Step Closer

9th September, 2008

(originally posted at my old blog)

I’ve had an offer of help to re-start UT Unlimited. Big thanks to you :D. This is obviously encouraging and I will, of course, tell you more as it develops. If you think you can help then please get in touch.

When we get a rough beta of the site I’ll preview it as soon as possible. My head’s full of ideas but I need to get them on screen.

DMQuatro ’08 is growing. I’m at the mesh stage. Adding these things takes longer than it should because I’m still learning where things are. But progress is progress and that’s always good.

I want to say a big thanks to all those who remember UT Unlimited. It seems you guys have long memories. Thanks also to hal at Beyond Unreal and RaptoR over at Planet Unreal for the pimpage. I’ve also noticed that other sites carried the news as well. Thanks to them also.

Might have some screens tomorrow if all goes well.